Claudio Fantinuoli, PhD.

Researcher, Innovator and Founder in Speech Technologies

Claudio Fantinuoli

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My areas of interest are computer-assisted and automatic interpreting (speech translation), which essentially means that I design and study Artificial Intelligence systems to support human interpreters and translate speech automatically. Personally, I'm passionate about the intersection of mind, brain (including computational) and language.

Short biography
I have a background in conference interpreting, a PhD in Applied Linguistics, and an Habilitation in Interpreting Studies. I taught at the University of Innsbruck, Vienna, and Karlsruhe. I ventured into the fields of Natural Language Processing at Eurac Research and as founder of InterpretBank, a computer-assisted tool for professional interpreters. My journey continues as a researcher at the University of Mainz, Chief Technology Officer at KUDO Inc., and as a language technology consultant for international institutions, governments and research institutes. I give speech on topics of AI and digital transformations.

Where I am talking next

  • Panelist: AI-powered interpretation: is the sky really the limit?, Interpreting Europe Conference 2025, European Commission, Bruxelles, February 7, 2025
  • Keynote speech: The Technological Turn in Interpreting Sorbonne Nouvelle, France, February 14, 2025
  • Invited speech: Speech Technologies for Professional Interpreters: state-of-the-art and future perspectives Bar-Ilan University, Israel, April, 2025

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