Fantinuoli C. “Technology for Interpreters”. In International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition (forthcoming)
Fantinuoli C. “Machine Interpreting”. In Sabine Braun, Elena Davitti and Tomasz Korybski (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Interpreting and Technology. Routledge (2025)
Xiaoman W., Fantinuoli C. “Exploring the Correlation between Human and Machine Evaluation of Simultaneous Speech Translation“. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 1), pages 325–334 (2024).
Defrancq B., Snoeck H., Fantinuoli C. “Interpreters’ performances, cognitive load in the context of a CAI tool”. In Winters, M. (ed.) Communicating across languages in times of technological change – Innovations in translation and interpreting research, practice and training, Bloomsbury Advances in translation. Bloomsbury (2024)
Fantinuoli C. “Towards AI-enhanced computer-assisted interpreting“. In: Bart Defrancq and Gloria Corpas (eds.). In: Interpreting technologies. Colección: “IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature”. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (2023).
Fantinuoli C. “The Emergence of Machine Interpreting“. In: Claudine Borg, María Abad Colom, Esther de Boe and Raphael Sannholm. In: European Society for Translation Studies. 2023 (62).
Fantinuoli C., Montecchio, M. “Defining maximum acceptable latency of AI-enhanced CAI tools“. In Vázquez, Varajão, Pereira, Araújo (eds) “Technological Innovation Put to the Service of Language Learning, Translation and Interpreting: Insights from Academic and Professional Contexts”. Peter Lang (2023).
Fantinuoli C., Dastyar V. “Interpreting and the emerging augmented paradigm“. In: Interpreting and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal (2022), Volume 2 Issue 2, pp. 185–194.
Fantinuoli C., Marchesini G., Landan D., Horak L. Interpreter Assist: Fully-automated real-time support for Remote Interpretation”. In: Proceedings of Translator and Computer 53 Conference (2022)
Fantinuoli C. “Conference interpreting and new technologies“. In: Michaela Albl-Mikasa and Elisabet Tiselius (eds), Routledge Handbook of Conference Interpreting. Routledge (2021)
Fantinuoli C., Prandi B. “Towards the evaluation of automatic simultaneous speech translation from a communicative perspective“. Proceedings of IWSLT 2021 (2021)
Pisani E., Fantinuoli C. “Measuring the impact of automatic speech recognition on interpreter’s performances in simultaneous interpreting“. In: Empirical studies of translation and interpreting: the post-structuralist apporach, Edited by Caiwen Wang and Binghan Zheng, Routledge (2021)
Defrancq B., Fantinuoli C. “Automatic Speech Recognition in the booth: Assessment of system performance, interpreters’ performances and interactions in the context of numbers“. Target (2020), DOI 10.1075/target.19166.def.
Fantinuoli C. “The technological turn in interpreting: the challenges that lie ahead“. Proceedings of the conference Übersetzen und Dolmetschen 4.0. – Neue Wege im digitalen Zeitalter (2019), 334-354.
Fantinuoli C., Prandi B. “Teaching information and communication technologies: a proposal for the interpreting classroom“. Journal of Translation and Technical Communication Research, 11(2), (2018), 162-182.
Fantinuoli C. “Interpreting and technology: the upcoming technological turn“. Berlin: Language Science Press (2018), 1-12.
Fantinuoli C. “The use of comparable corpora in interpreting practice and teaching“. The Interpreters’ Newsletter 23 (2018), 133-149.
Fantinuoli C. “Computer-assisted interpreting: challenges and future perspectives“. In: Isabel Durán and Gloria Corpas (eds.), Trends in e-tools and resources for translators and interpreters. Leiden: Brill (2018), 153-174.
Fantinuoli C. “Speech Recognition in the Interpreter Workstation“. Proceedings of the Translating and the Computer 39 (2017), 25-34.
Fantinuoli C. “Computer-assisted preparation in conference interpreting“. In: Translation & Interpreting, Vol 9, No 2 (2017), 24-37.
Fantinuoli C. “Computerlinguistik in der Dolmetschpraxis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Korpusanalyse“. In: Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Stella Neumann, Oliver Čulo, Annotation, exploitation and evaluation of parallel corpora: TC3 I. Berlin: Language Science Press, 111–146 (2017).
Fantinuoli C. “InterpretBank. Redefining computer-assisted interpreting tools“. Proceedings of the 38th Conference Translating and the Computer, pages 42–52, London, UK, November 17-18, 2016. ACL Anthology.
Fantinuoli C. “Revisiting corpus creation and analysis tools for translation tasks“. In: Gallego-Hernández, Daniel and Rodríguez-Inés, Patricia (eds.), Special Issue: Corpus Use and Learning to Translate, almost 20 years on. Cadernos de Tradução, 36(1), 62-87 (2016).
Fantinuoli C. “The influence of translation technologies on language production“. In: Francisco Alonso Almeida, Ivalla Ortega Barrera, Elena Quintana Toledo and Margarita Sánchez Cuervo (eds.) Input a Word, Analyse the World: Selected Approaches to Corpus Linguistics. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2016).
Fantinuoli C. “GEROM: una proposta di banca dati lessicale e testuale“. In: Claudio Fantinuoli and Fabio Proia (eds.) Il contributo della terminologia e della linguistica dei corpora al dialogo italo–tedesco. Rome: Aracne (2015).
Fantinuoli C. & Zanettin F.”Creating and using multilingual corpora in translation studies“. In: Claudio Fantinuoli and Federico Zanettin (eds.) New directions in corpus-based translation studies. Berlin: Language Science Press (2015).
Fantinuoli C. “Einbindung von Korpora im Übersetzungsunterricht als Schlüssel zur Professionalisierung.” In: Silvia Hansen-Schirra and Don Kiraly (eds.) Projekte und Projektionen in der translatorischen Kompetenzentwicklung, 173-188. Frankfurt: Peter Lang (2013)
Fantinuoli C. InterpretBank – Design and Implementation of a Terminology and Knowledge Management Software for Conference Interpreters. University of Mainz: Dissertation. (2012)
Fantinuoli C. “InterpretBank: Ein Tool zum Wissens- und Terminologiemanagement für Simultandolmetscher“. In: Baur, Wolf & Kalina, Sylvia, & Mayer, Felix & Witzel, Jutta (Eds.) Übersetzen in die Zukunft. Herausforderungen der Globalisierung für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer. Tagungsband der internationalen Fachkonferenz des Bundesverbandes der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ), 411-417. Berlin: BDÜ (2009).<
Fantinuoli C. “ Specialized Corpora from the Web for Simultaneous Interpreters“. In: Marco Baroni and Silvia Bernardini (eds.) Wacky! Working papers on the Web as Corpus, 173-190. Bologna: GEDIT (2006).
Edited books
Fantinuoli, C. and Turchi, M. (eds) (2021), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Automatic Spoken Language Translation in Real-World Settings (ASLTRW). ACL Anthology.
Fantinuoli, C. (ed.) (2018), Interpreting and technology. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Fantinuoli, C. and Zanettin F. (eds.) (2015), New directions in corpus-based translation studies. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Fantinuoli, C. and Proia, F. (eds.) (2015), Il contributo della terminologia e della linguistica dei corpora al dialogo italo–tedesco. Rome: Aracne.